Where's my item?

We want you to have your items!

Once we send your items out the door, we want them to get to you as soon as possible and in perfect condition. We all know that the carriers are doing their best to make that happen, but things happen.

If your item has shipped and you need a tracking number, please email us at support@vistalsupply.com

If your item shows as delivered and you can't find it, within 48 hours of expected delivery, please

  • verify the shipping address
  • look for a note of attempted delivery
  • look around the delivery location for your package
  • check if anyone else accepted the delivery (unless it's a health concern)
  • check other places you receive mail as sometimes multiple carriers work together to get an item delivered

If after 48 hours you still haven't received your package, or are having any other issues with the delivery, please contact the carrier directly. 

Carrier Contact Information

The following is a list of carriers that we use. As of the 2020 holiday season, we have expanded our list in order in our attempt to get your items to you. If your carrier is not on the list, email us at support@vistalsupply.com and we'll be happy to assist you in resolving your issue.

Common Carriers

Contact Information


Phone: 1-800-742-5877

U.S. Postal Service

Phone: 1-800-222-1811


Phone: 1-800-463-3339

DHL Express

Phone: 1-800-225-5345


Phone: 1-804-414-2590


Phone: 1-800-800-8984


Phone: 1-800-334-5000